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You Buy That?

Good morning all! Father, I pray we all buy how much You love each and everyone of us this morning. Let it be so clear to us that it has nothing to do with our performance and everything to do with Your character, Amen. Ever feel like you have to work for God’s approval? His…

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Where’s the Light?

Good morning all! Father, we know You know all things and that all things work together for those You love. Help us to see You more in our lives and hear Your voice so we can declare Your truth and love, Amen. If you’re like me you might be asking the question is there any…

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A Bit Messy?

Good morning all! Father, we are truly grateful because even when we think we’re at our worst, You pour out Your best. We know that Your mercy is forever and Your love enduring, thank You Lord for the faithfulness of Your salvation, Amen. You ever find yourself in a bit of a mess? Or wondering…

What's In Your Cup Blog Header Image

What’s in your cup?

Good morning all! Father, we know that You have an abundance of all that is in heaven and earth. Whatever we need You can provide, whenever we are empty You can fill. Thank You Lord for watching over Your flock, for making us to lie down in green pastures and leading us beside still waters,…


Good morning all! Father, we know that You are moving in our life. You calm the rivers and dry the seas. Thank You Lord for placing us on a sure place, a firm foundation that can’t be moved by man or circumstances. You alone are the Way when there is no way and the Path…