
No More Sea

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You are moving in the earth today, the sun rises and falls and at Your command and You have set the boundaries of this world. Lord, open our hearts to receive Your word, Your truth and Your grace. Make us one with You and Your will so that…

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Walk With God

Good morning all! Father, we know that a walk with You is full of life, full of promise and full of hope for brighter days. Lord show us the way, show us the path You have chosen for us to walk and give us the strength to remain faithful. Thank You Lord for walking with…

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Good morning, all! Father, we are desperate for You, we ask that You would create in us a pure heart and renew a right spirit Lord. Fan the fire within so that we could set the world on fire for You, to live a life full of passion and conviction for You, for Your love,…

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What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Good morning, all! Father, we know that Your love is immeasurable, it has no beginning and no end. We pray that we would believe and experience Your love today, Lord, let us never forget where true strength comes from and give us the resolve to love like You even when we don’t understand all that…

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Come and See

Good morning, all! Father, we pray that You would increase our trust in Your love, to know that You will only do that which is just and right in our life. Lord, we know there’s confusion and unsettling matters in the world today so we pray that you would reveal the power of heaven so…