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Change Within

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You never change and by Your grace we are changed into the image of Your son. Open our eyes Lord and show us Your truth, show us Your glory and teach us to hear the sound of Your voice. Your wisdom is infinite and beyond measure, teach us…


Come Out

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You are moving among us today, You are making the way for all to follow. We pray that You would speak clearly to us today, we ask that You make visible Your hand just like that day at the Red sea. Show us Your salvation today, Your power,…

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Why Seek God?

Good morning, all! Father, this morning we seek You before all others and trust that Your love will never fail us. Help us to see Your hand in our life no matter what we may go through and to know that Your plans can not be thwarted and victory will come as we wait on…

How Long?

Good morning, all! Father, help us to see the work of Your hand this morning and to trust in Your love for us. You word declares that we should not let our heart be troubled so may that be today, may we walk in the power of Your grace and be covered by waves of…

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Poor & Needy

Good morning, all! Father, we come to humbly this morning because we know we have nothing to offer the Creator of the universe nothing but our heart. We pray Lord that You search our heart this morning and if there be any wrong way in us then help us, deliver us, for we know that…