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Give Thanks

Good morning all! Father, we pray that we would lose sight of all things that are temporary right now so we won’t lose sight of what’s eternal, YOU. Lord, thank you for allowing us to celebrate this time of year, to be grateful for our friends and families and all the blessings You have given…

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What’s His Vision?

Good morning all! Father, we know that You sit above heaven and earth and see all things, there is nothing hidden from Your view. You see your plan, your promise and fulfillment of the vision you have established for Your kingdom, Amen. Most big companies have a vision for their employees, do you suppose God…

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Are You Awake?

Good morning all! Father, how can we begin to express our love for You? You alone are the giver of life, You alone are the maker of all things. Lord, close our eyes and open our hearts to be more like You, to awaken something inside of us that can only be by Your spirit,…

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Finding Peace?

Good morning all! Father, I pray the world would know the power of Your love and grace. Let it rain down today and wash over our lives, our families, our schools, our government and every area that’s in need of Your touch. I pray we all find peace today and keep it as the treasure…