What Is Just?

Good morning all! Father, we know that You alone are just and Your ways will be revealed by Your word. Help us Lord, help us to know we are just by Your Son and Your declaration. Help us Lord to live in that fullness and to live by Your faith so that we would glorify…

Do You Remember?

Good morning all! Father, we know You remember us always and we are always on Your mind. Help us Lord and increase our faith that we would remember Your love and plan in this life. And if we happen to forget Your presence during the storms of life, we pray You give us the strength…

What to Give?

Good morning all! Father, we are truly grateful for the season that you have given us this day. I pray you would open our eyes to see all that You have given us and that we would see the opportunity in Your kingdom all around us, let us bless those as you have blessed us,…

What’s His Will?

Good morning all! Father, we pray that as we become more aware of Your presence in our life, that we would know Your will for our lives. Give us the strength to trust You and hear Your voice, and to follow hard after thee that none would cause us to stumble, Amen. I’m sure we’ve…

How do you know what your purpose is?

Question: How do you know what your purpose is? What God wants you to do with any special talents? The Bible is very clear as to what our purpose in life should be. Men and women all throughout the Bible sought for and discovered life’s purpose. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived discovered the…