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Live By Faith

Good morning, all! Father, we know that without faith it’s Impossible to please You so we pray that it is ever increasing in our life. Strengthen our faith Lord and help us to know Your voice when we face trials so that we might overcome them with the faith of a mustard seed, Your seed…

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What’s the Promise?

Good morning all! Father, we know that all Your promises are settled in heaven and nothing on earth can change them. We trust You Lord no matter what we know, no matter what we see, no matter how we feel. You Lord are the only thing in this life that is Faithful and True, help…

Galatians 6:12-18

Where’s The Glory?

Good morning all! Father, we know that Your glory is unmatched, it’s has not limits and it always seek others first. We pray Lord that we would know that kind of glory, that way of living and declare the promise of Your kingdom. Let us always be reminded that You alone are God and worthy…