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Good morning, all! Father, we know that we don’t always understand Your way, so we ask You to reveal Your love for us. Help us to trust that love especially when we don’t like some of the circumstances and challenges we face in life. Teach us Lord to follow Your word and hear Your voice…

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Good morning, all! Father, we pray when You speak, we listen, help us to be still and know that You are God. Let the earth know the voice of God, let us hear clearly the call from heaven, the call on our life. We pray You have a new word for us today, one that…

Be Strong

Good morning, all! Father, we know that our strength can only be found in You and by listening to Your word. When you speak mountains move, seas are dried up and the world itself is stopped. Lord speak to us today, give us the strength to face the day and follow Your voice, Amen. Isaiah…


No More

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You are the only Creator and everything we have and know comes from You. Lord today we ask that You remove some things from our life that don’t declare Your glory, Your purpose, Your will. Your word declares you create a new heaven and new earth so then…

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I Need You

Good morning, all! Father, we need You this morning every hour we need Thee. We know this world has nothing to offer us that Your heaven hasn’t already provided, open the eyes of our heart so we would only look to You, Your truth, Your grace and Your mercy. And should anything tell us otherwise…