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Our Father

Good morning, all! Father, what could we say that You don’t already know? Our Father who art in heaven You hold the highest place in our life so we look to You, holy You are the One that has given us a kingdom so Your will would prevail and be seen in the earth. You…

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Good morning, all! Father, we know today is the day that You have made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord, we give you thanks and praise Your name for You are good and Your mercy endures forever. We will praise in the morning and in the evening until the sun goes…

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Be Strong

Good morning, all! Father, whatever strength we have today it is only by Your grace. We know that without You we can do nothing but when we wait on You for Your promise we are renewed. You renew our hope, You renew our faith, and You renew our strength always, Amen. Joshua 1 3 Every…

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Never Fall

Good morning, all! Father, we know that we go through challenges in life and sometimes we don’t always understand them. So, give us the understanding that will help us to go through them, to know that You walk with us and perhaps the only understanding we need is that YOU are with us always so…

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Be Careful

Good morning, all! Father, what does the day hold for us? Only You alone know, for You have written it in the heavens and it will be revealed to us by the works of Your hand. Help us Lord to trust You and see You in all that we face today, strengthen our heart to…