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Why Settle?

Good morning all! Father, we know that as we approach a new year You have already prepared the way. Your word declares that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life, thank You Lord for our protection, our provision, for being our all in all, Amen. You know when you settle?…

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Where’s the Rainbow?

Good morning all! Father, we know that storms will come and go in life, but You will not. You never leave us or forsake us; we are Your prized possessions above all else. Thank You Lord for bringing the storm and thank you for causing it to end, we know Your love endures forever, Amen.…

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Water the Garden

Good morning all! Father, we know that You created the greatest garden ever created, we couldn’t begin to describe it’s beauty. You alone are the keeper of that garden, and You alone provide the water so that it continues to grow, Amen. Think about it, will your garden grow without water? Ever see what happens…

Pslams 8:3-4

Does God Think About You?

Good morning all! Father, help us to see and understand that we truly are Your children. Touch our hearts today and help us to see just how precious we are to You, and nothing in heaven or earth could ever change that truth, Amen. Have you ever thought about that in the course of your…