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God’s Instrument

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You hold all things in Your hands including US. We pray Lord that we would be all that we can be and everything that You created US to be, we pray we are instruments in Your hand doing Your work, Amen. Do you play an instrument? Ever notice…

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Heads You Win

Good morning all! Father, we know life has it’s challenges and we pray that we would learn and grow from them. Lord show us how to win, teach us to live a life of victory and to know the difference between Your win and the world’s win, Amen. Deuteronomy 28 12 The LORD shall open…

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Good morning all! Father, today we see that You alone can create and destroy because all power belongs to You. We know You create moments for glory and destroy anything that comes against them, and for those moments we think we’ve lost restore them O’ Lord just like the years the locust have eaten, Amen.…

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Good morning, all! Father, we know that You alone are the giver of life, and we pray the life we live honor You always. Give us understanding through Your word and Your spirit so that we might live a life worthy of the calling You have given us, Amen. John 6 48 I am that…


Your Teacher

Good morning all! Father, we know we still have much to learn when it comes to You and Your kingdom. Our pray today is for things, first that You would birth a desire in us to learn more about You and the Kingdom by Your spirit and Your word. And second, teach us, enlighten the…