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Change Within

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You never change and by Your grace we are changed into the image of Your son. Open our eyes Lord and show us Your truth, show us Your glory and teach us to hear the sound of Your voice. Your wisdom is infinite and beyond measure, teach us…

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Wheels of Progress

Good morning all! Father, we know that by Your hand heaven and earth were created. You said, we would not be satisfied until we awake with your likeness. So change us and make us more like You, help us to live by faith in all we do and keep our eyes on heaven, Amen. Walt…

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Moving Forward

Good morning all! Father, our pray is for us to keep our lives focused on You only and when we hear and see things that may cause us any alarm may it bring us closer to you. Help us grow stronger in faith and move us closer and closer to heaven, Amen. Have you ever…

How Big Is Your Heart?

Good morning all! Father, we now that Your heart can only be for us and NOT against us. We know that it is a BIG heart, it has room for the world that’s why You sent Your Son. Father, help us to see Your love in our life so that we might increase what You’ve…