Good morning all!
Father, we know You hold all the answers to every question and decision we make today. Thank you Lord for allowing us to seek Your face and search Your understanding for all we face, I pray that we will hear Your voice and know that You are Lord. Increase our faith so we’ll give you all that concerns us today and the patience to trust the timing of Your perfection, Amen. What concerns do you have today? Some bigger than others? Any concerns at all?
Psalm 138
Psa 138:5 KJV – Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.
Yes, we sing about living a life of faith: this is how we bring glory to our Lord.
Psa 138:6 KJV – Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.
And even though the Lord is high and mighty, yet will care for the humble in heart: but to the proud He keeps His distance.
Psa 138:7 KJV – Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
Even when I’m in the very middle of all that troubles my life, God will save me: He will reach down from the heavens and pull me out by His hand.
Psa 138:8 KJV – The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.
And after He’s saved me the Lord will make perfect the very situation I was concerned about in the first place, His mercy can NEVER fail and He doesn’t forsake the very one He created.
Bottom line
You know why we don’t give our concerns to God? He’s invisible…He don’t know em’…I can handle them better than Him…faster than Him…does He even know what they are? Of course all false thoughts of God, I mean can God know the very number of hairs on our head and then not know what concerns us in life? Maybe His absence from my concerns has nothing to do with God and has everything to do with my heart towards Him? It starts with us singing about the ways of the Lord, church if you ain’t singing every day when you get out of bed to start your day…you ain’t in God’s way, you’re the only one getting in the way of yourself. I don’t know about you but when I sing I’m usually in a happy state of mind, can you sing and rejoice and be miserable at the same time? Life just don’t work that way, because we live a life of faith we can truly sing…it’s the reflection of the heart. Now, if you’re like me you might say the Lord is always on my heart, after all I love God…right? That’s good, so then what changes?
Psa 57:7 KJV – My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. If you’re singing then heart is FIXED on God, if you ain’t singing then…your heart is probably FIXED on the problem. When our heart is fixed on God then the reflection of our lifestyle will reflect that, when we’re fixed on our problem that becomes the priority and not God…now we ain’t singing anymore. I mean it is a life of faith church, does our life reflect faith in God? Faith and singing go hand in hand, don’t tell me you have faith in God if you ain’t singing. As though God would want us to declare our faith to the world and then run around and complain about our problems or God forbid, cry about them? That would be hypocrisy, you can’t say you have faith in God and then when something concerns you NOT believe His hand will save you…notice the Bible does say God’s hand and NOT ours does the saving. The only reason I try to fix things that concern me is because my heart is NOT fixed on God, it’s fixed on me fixing my problem. Why do you think God says He cares for the lowly but the proud person He’s far from? Pride says, I can fix this situation in my life and I don’t need God…congratulations, you have just pushed God out of your life. God will never leave you us nor forsake us, but we can leave Him or forsake His salvation. How? By ignoring His word, by ignoring His spirit, by thinking my way of living is better than His way. And this just in, we may think we can find the perfect solution outside of God or His word but then that would make God a liar and that’s NOT possible.
God is the only One that can perfect anything in our life and anything outside of His perfection…ain’t perfect for us. What I have discovered lately is the only thing pride does is protect SELF, which is the complete opposite of faith. Our heart will either reflect faith which is the heart of Christ or it will reflect pride, isn’t that what happened in the garden of Eden? The only reason we see evil in this world is because we’vetaken from the tree of good and evil and not the tree of life. Now you may say, yeah but I see evil in the world…to which I might respond, that’s because you need God heal you’re eyesight. Eve saw the fruit, wanted to taste the fruit and why? Because she was starving and going to die? NOT even close, she ate the fruit because she believed it would make her wise, maybe as though she knew better than God and not in need of His help. Maybe the trees don’t have actual fruit and maybe the fruit is just a representation of our desires in life? Are they natural or spirit? Are they based on pride or faith? Maybe the concerns I have only come along to reveal the true heart of Christ in me…maybe it was to close my eyes to good and evil and open them to life…a spirit filled life, and if that’s the case then maybe I can sing after all because I know all that concerns me in this life will be handle by my Father in heaven…maybe!
Point to Ponder
Any concerns today? 1Pe 5:7 NLT – Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. How many cares should we give God?
Let’s give them ALL to God, In Him Phil
Faith- Family – Friends