Good morning, all!
Father, we know that You are moving among us today, You are making the way for all to follow. We pray that You would speak clearly to us today, we ask that You make visible Your hand just like that day at the Red sea. Show us Your salvation today, Your power, Your victory and let the world declare the glory of the Lord today, Amen.
2 Corinthians 6
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Don’t live your life with a burden that isn’t from God, for what kind of life do you have if you find one innocent but the other guilty? Or take your light and share it with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And since when did Christ agree with Satan? And what part of a faithless life do we entertain when we believe in God?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And why would we agree with the world’s idols when God’s temple holds all the answers to life? YOU are the temple of the LIVING God, this word came from God Himself, I dwell inside of you and wherever you go I’m right there with you, I belong to YOU and YOU belong to ME.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you,
So, for the love of Pete, come OUT from among that short sited lifestyle says the Lord, and don’t defile yourself and become dirty; and I will take you as MY bride.
Bottom line
Boy we’ve made a hot mess out of this scripture over the years, this has been our get out of jail card whenever we want to remove people from our lives, right? In Today’s world they’re called toxic people, you feel me? Such foolish and childish behavior, to think the God of love would have us ostracize certain people in our lives for any reason at all. Jesus hung out with sinners, prostitutes, hypocrites, deniers, betrayers, publicans, need I go on? We’re NOT to be unequally yoked with an UNBELIEVER…the Greek word is an adjective NOT a noun, it’s describing and unbelieving lifestyle, a way of thinking. Which is to say I believe I’m good enough to be God’s temple but NOT so and so because of…and here’s where we all make up our own interpretation of God’s word and say because of their religion, sin, lack of faith, their nationality and so on. Who is NOT the temple of God? Scripture says that Christ is all and in all, translation, we are ALL the bride of Christ. You want more confirmation? Let’s go back to Moses, anyone remember his wife? Yeah Zipporah, you know which tribe she was from? Yeah, she wasn’t, she was a heathen from the Midianites also known as a fierce enemy of Israel. Remember Gideon and his army defeated the Midianites? They were NOT nice. So how was the greatest leader of the Old Testament allowed to be UNEQUALLY yoked to a Midianite? What kind of example was he setting? So, what makes us unclean is when we THINK people are unclean and NOT the actual person. Remember who had a problem with Moses marrying Zipporah? Yeah, his sister NOT God, in fact, you know what happened to Miriam when she talked smack about Zipporah? God struck her with leprosy, she became unclean in the eyes of God. Why? Because she thought less of someone else. How can we think less of one another when God dwells inside of us all? My personal favorite is the story of Gomer, I doubt many of us would have had fellowship with this heathen woman…she was a prostitute. But not so fast, God told His prophet Hosea to marry her which he did. Was that marriage unequally yoked? Well, some think so since Gomer left Hosea for other men. So, what happened? Hosea prayed to God and made sure he took care of Gomer even in the absence of her life. But the story didn’t end there…come on God is whole lot bigger than that. When Gomer was lost and done chasing the unfruitful winds of happiness, God sent Hosea to go find her again and marry her again…that’s right live happily ever after. The Bible says the idols have eyes but can’t see, they have ears, but they can’t hear, and they don’t belong in the temple. You know why? They don’t UNDERSTAND the righteousness of God, they think it can be earned or lost. That’s you and I when we disqualify the people in our life, we say they’re unclean and don’t belong because of what they believe or what they’ve done. We become that dumb idol that can’t hear the righteousness of God or speak the with the mercy of God, the ONE whose love holds NO ill feelings and says WHOEVER comes I will in NO wise cast away. Time for the Bride to clean the temple and cast away the unclean idols…would hate to see you chase Groom out of His temple before the wedding.
Point to Ponder
Real crazy, but if God dwells inside of us how could any of us be unclean? What would that make God? Oh, right He created us NOT the other way around…you are CLEAN!!!
Let’s all come out from that judgmental mind, In Him Phil
Faith – Family – Friends