Good morning all!
Father, we know You remember us always and we are always on Your mind. Help us Lord and increase our faith that we would remember Your love and plan in this life. And if we happen to forget Your presence during the storms of life, we pray You give us the strength to hold onto our faith, Amen. As we begin a new year we often reflect on the memories of the past year, do you remember?
Revelation 2
Rev 2:2 KJV – I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
I KNOW all your hard work and how you’ve endured through tough times; and I KNOW you have tried the people that have faith and you said they didn’t, you found them to be a liar:
Rev 2:3 KJV – And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
I KNOW you have suffered for me and didn’t quit but remained patient in your position.
Rev 2:4 KJV – Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
HOWEVER…I have a little problem with all that because you have forgotten how this began in the first place.
Rev 2:5 KJV – Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
REMEMBER the place you have fallen from and change the way you view life and do first the only thing that really matters or else I will quickly remove the only light you have so please change.
Bottom line
Do you remember the first time you fell in love? What really mattered? NOTHING!!!! You were in love! This is essentially the first message God has for the first church found in Revelation, it’s a spiritual awakening if you will. It was there all along but somehow it got put to sleep, by what? LIFE!!!
Luk 14:20 KJV – And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. These are the words of Jesus Christ, He tells the parable of a certain man that calls many to a great supper and yet nobody would come. In this verse it looks like someone has married a wife and told Jesus I can’t come, why? First, the great supper is a wedding feast and if you’re already married to something else than you ain’t married to Christ. Second, we’re not speaking of an actual wife because than the parable would only apply to men…God doesn’t work like that. We’re married to the same thing John is speaking of here in revelation, we’re married to RELIGION…what we believe our faith should look like. God says He KNOWS our works, and our trials and how we judge anyone else that says they have faith. And why do we do all these things we do? For His names sake, we think we’re doing this in the name of the Lord…translation…we think we’re right. I mean really, does anyone do it cause they think they’re wrong? There’s only one problem…God says nevertheless…He cancels all of that stuff out…it’s worthless to God. God tells us to remember the place we’ve have fallen from, what place is that? We have fallen out of love with Him. We let love get covered up by a bunch of garbage and then try to weed through it all to try and salvage something with this trash lying around our feet. Why do you think He said He’s going to remove our candlestick? I mean if you ain’t gonna keep it lit, what’s the point of having it?
Mat 5:15 KJV – Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Our candlestick should give light to ALL that are in the house. Now if you’re the so called “lawyer” you might be asking what house or who is all?
Luk 15:8 KJV – Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? You are the house! And God does expect you to sweep your house, you know? Keep it clean for ALL. It appears something got covered up and got lost, I mean I had ten to start but now I only have nine. You’ll beamazed what you can find with a lit candle, you know what you find? You find true forgiveness, remember it was in the HOUSE we just couldn’t find it…as in find it in my heart to forgive you. Remember the parable Jesus spoke regarding the ten virgins with lamps? Five kept them burning and five didn’t, the five that kept their lamps burning found the bridegroom, what about the five that didn’t?
Mat 25:12 KJV – But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. He didn’t receive them because He didn’t know them…He didn’t remember them, ain’t no way you can keep that lamp burning without forgiveness. True love forgives all, it doesn’t measure the size of the offense or the number of them, instead it keeps the lamp lit so we can find our way to the wedding feast and enter into the heart of our Groom and do our FIRST work…it’s first for a reason, it’s all the matters…TRUE love!!!
Point to Ponder
Do you have what you need? Mat 10:7,9 ASV – And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Get you no gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses; Real faith don’t look to GET, it looks to GIVE…the gold, silver and brass is already in your hand…it’s righteousness, forgiveness and mercy…He remembered to equip us well for this life, now go give it! Classic…remember when the stars stole the night away…
Let’s all remember the Love of God, In Him Phil
Faith – Family – Friends