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No Blame

Good morning, all! Father, Your love for us transcends time because it existed before creation. You said, You created us to be holy and without blame and without fault. Open our eyes so we would see all that You made us to be so we can walk in the fullness of Your love, Amen. Can…

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Good morning, all! Father, we know that Your love for us cannot be measured for it fills the heavens. We know by the power of Your word that You don’t keep a record of our sin, for who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness that we would know You, Amen. Matthew 18 21…

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Good morning, all! Father, we know that Your heart is for us, and Your love can not be measured. We pray, Lord, that we would experience that love today, that we would know what it means to us as we live this life. Strengthen our hearts Lord so that nothing in this world can move…

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God’s Instrument

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You hold all things in Your hands including US. We pray Lord that we would be all that we can be and everything that You created US to be, we pray we are instruments in Your hand doing Your work, Amen. Do you play an instrument? Ever notice…

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