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Good morning, all! Father, we know that we don’t always understand Your way, so we ask You to reveal Your love for us. Help us to trust that love especially when we don’t like some of the circumstances and challenges we face in life. Teach us Lord to follow Your word and hear Your voice…

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Good morning, all! Father, we pray when You speak, we listen, help us to be still and know that You are God. Let the earth know the voice of God, let us hear clearly the call from heaven, the call on our life. We pray You have a new word for us today, one that…

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Good morning, all! Father, we are desperate for You, we ask that You would create in us a pure heart and renew a right spirit Lord. Fan the fire within so that we could set the world on fire for You, to live a life full of passion and conviction for You, for Your love,…

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Be A Hero

Good morning, all! Father, we know that without faith we can’t please You so increase our faith, Lord. Give us an increase to hold onto Your word and live by all that is true and right when everything around us makes NO sense. Let us know that we are Your children, that we have inheritance…

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