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Little is a lot

Good morning all! Father, we know that there’s nothing little about You or Your work in our life. We know that you are the Great multiplier and by Your hand You can make it rain down any time you want. Help us Lord to see the little things in life and give thanks for all…

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What's Better Blog head image

What’s Better?

Good morning all! Father, we know that You alone are the author of love it doesn’t exist without You. Lord, we pray today all would experience Your love for Your word declares it is better than wine. We pray Lord the only thing that would intoxicate us today is Your love for there is truly…

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Room For God Blog Head

Room for God

Good morning all! Father, I pray we would always make time for You and always find room in our life for You. We can only see what is before us, but You can see all around and what’s in front of us, help us to remove the things that clutter our lives so we can…

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His Works Blog Head

His Works

Good morning all! Father, we know that You truly hold the world in Your hands and nothing in life comes to pass without Your knowledge. I pray we will trust You always and know that You are a just God, and we should never have any reason to doubt You. You word declares that you…

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