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The Enemy

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You alone are a defender of truth, a defender of faith and to live a life without them is to live bondage. You have equipped us with the strength and power to break the chains of darkness, to have dominion over the devil and nothing by any means…

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Are Your Confused?

Good morning, all! Father, we know there are many things in this life that just don’t make sense. Let us look to You continually through all that we face and pray we would always see Your providential care. Father, we ask that You remove all the confusion we feel and lead us to the Rock…

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Better Life

Good morning, all! Father, we know that things with You can only get better, You are the architect of better. A better day, a better faith, a better God, a better life and with You we have all those things. So, give us better understanding of Your truth so that we might live a life…

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Keep Him Close

Good morning, all! Father, we know that You alone rule heaven and earth, everything we see is in Your care. We ask, Lord, that in Your bigness that somehow You appear small enough to each of us, personal enough so that we would feel Your presence. We know Lord that if we seek You, we…

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